Islamic Reflections

Calm down O Soul!

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
ربي اشرح لي صدري و يسر لي أمري….
Indeed, with hardship [will be] ease. Qur’an 94:06
Why you worry when Allah has promised an ease after hardship. Maybe today there is darkness in your life but surely there will come a time in your life when you will see you have lived up your fears and you are alive loaded with confidence and elevating eemaan. That gloomy day has purpose to make you strong. Comfort zone can never polish you. Embrace your gloomy day with eemaan that it’s just a gloomy day and not a gloomy life. The ease will come soon,in Sha Allah.IMG_20180220_103541~2
– Bint Rafiq
Baaraka Allah feekum 😊

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