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Prophet Musa: Exploring Psychological Strength & Growth

Prophet Musa: Lessons in Growth Mindset and Seeking Help

Musa (may peace be upon him) is mentioned more than any other Prophet in the Quran. His life provides numerous lessons, especially from a psychological perspective. This article explores two key themes:

  1. The growth mindset and
  2. The importance of seeking help.

A. Growth Mindset: Insights from Psychology and the Story of

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The Inspirational Life of Prophet Musa (may peace be upon him)

The struggles and difficulties for Musa (may peace be upon him) awaited him even before his birth. Born under the rule of the most tyrant man of the time, danger loomed over his life at all times. The twists and turns of life, and the will of Allah ﷻ, landed him in the house of the same tyrant, Fir’aun, who … Continue Reading

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Challenges faced by Prophet Noah(Alayhi Salaam)


Allah ﷻ imposes tests and trials on every individual, including prophets, which elevates their status and eradicates their sins. In fact, the prophets (peace be upon them) had the toughest challenges. The severity of trials and tribulations varies based on an individual’s proximity to Allahﷻ. The closer one is to God, the greater the severity of the test or … Continue Reading

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When Nuh Called out to His Lord

Du’a, mostly understood as a form of prayer, is also the strongest weapon against any kind of odds. It is strong enough to change the Qadr (destiny) of a person. The strength of this weapon was highly appreciated and implemented by the Prophets, who, despite being specially favored by Allah ﷻ, used this tool endlessly in every situation and … Continue Reading

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Success with Submission


Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him), the Khaleelulallah, and one of the greatest prophets ever known, sailed through the winds of trials and tribulations, eventually triumphing in the path of Allah ﷻ, who honored him with the above titles. He has achieved such an elite status that he is known to be the first one to be clothed … Continue Reading

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Peaceful Co-existence With Non-Muslims

Maintaining amicable relations at a time when there are many differences of opinion can be difficult but is not impossible. Religion, inherently known to promote peace and bring mankind together has become one of the biggest causes of disputes since ancient times. It is an undeniable fact that Islam and Muslims receive the most backlash and hostility when it comes … Continue Reading

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Taking Care of Parents

The Prophet ﷺ said thrice,

“Should I inform you out the greatest of the great sins?” They said, “Yes, O Allah’s Messenger ﷺ!” He ﷺ said, “To join others in worship with Allah and to be undutiful to one’s parents…”

[Sahih al-Bukhari 2654 (Partially quoted)]

As people age, they experience an increase in health problems, whereby their productivity … Continue Reading

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