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Book Review: I Love My Mama’s Hijab

Penned down in subtle rhymes by Razaida Bahram, with bright, colourful and detailed illustrations by Asbah Alaena, I Love My Mama’s Hijab is a nostalgic trip down the memory lane for parents, and the first stepping stone towards the beautiful concept of hijab for the little ones.

This book, published by Noor Nursery, describes a little girl in awe … Continue Reading

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Ilmspired English Review – Innovative Educational App for Muslim Kids

With a generation of kids having access to gadgets and most often than not having a terribly hard time getting something beneficial to keep them entertained, what I did come across recently as a Muslim parent, really brightened up my day (and my kids’) – The Ilmspired app!

The reason for my joy lay in the way Ilmspired was designed; … Continue Reading

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تقريري عن سجادة الصلاة من (ماي صلاة مات) – تعميق حب الصلاة في قلوب الصغار

إن حب الله موجود بالفعل في قلوب أطفالنا حيث يولد كل طفل بالإسلام الصحيح (الفطرة) ومن واجبنا كوالدين أن نساعد في تنمية هذا الحب والحفاظ عليه

ومع ذلك، بصفتي أم، أجد دائمًا صعوبة كبيرة فيما يتعلق الأمر بالحفاظ على هذا الحب لدى أطفالي الذين يكبرون في عالم رقمي سريع النمو. ونحن بدورنا كوالدين، لا نحتاج أن نطلب من أطفالنا أن … Continue Reading

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My Salah Mat English Review – Deepening the Love of Salah in Young Hearts.

The love of Allah is already there in our children’s hearts as every child is born with a true faith of Islam (Fitrah) and it is our duty as parents to help nurture and sustain that love.
However, as a parent, I have always found it very challenging when it comes to sustaining that love in my kids who are … Continue Reading