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Prophetic Da’wah

’Tis the story of a prophet
One of firm resolve.
The example of his da’wah,
And his obstinate people.

Close to a thousand years, he
Lived and preached among them.
Every waking hour he spent,
Warning and calling on them.

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The Prophet Nuh,
A …
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Keys to a Blessed Land

After centuries of Roman oppression,
The air of Al-Aqsa finally hinted at end of occupation!
The smell of freedom could be felt,
The flag of Islam was soon to be held.
Allahu Akbar! The promise of Ash-Sham got fulfilled.
Under the Caliphate of Umar (RA), Masjid Al-Aqsa will now rebuild.

The bishops conditioned that before taking charge of the city,… Continue Reading

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“A Tale of Oppression”

Wandering among the olive groves,
Looking for at least one fallen olive,
But, oh! The trees have been razed to the ground,
Perhaps, the place must have been bombed!

Most of my people live in Gaza,
So many memories of fun and laughter,
But, oh! Why do I only see rubble splintered?
Perhaps, the bombs must have fallen here!

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Is the “War” Justified

3000 years ago, the Jews say,
It was home to the Temple Mount,
Built by King Solomon;
A narrative, they often recount.

They say it’s justification
For excavating and encroaching,
The illegal settlers have been
Recklessly colonizing.

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No! How could they?
They are …
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Oh, The Patience of Ibrahim!

The father curses and rebukes his son,
Threatens to stone his own blood,
To burn him alive with the people he teamed,
Oh, the patience of Ibrahim!

Catapulted and thrown into the air,
In front, the huge fire raged.
Behind, his people awaited his death,
Oh, the patience of Ibrahim!

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Hierarchy Of Needs – A Muslim’s perspective

The story of Ibrahim holds a lesson,
One timeless and profound,
To abide by, in an age where
Obedience is barely found.

Why did Allah take him for a friend?
He was an epitome of submission.
What made him from the Ulul-‘Azm?
His sacrifice for the Only One.

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Islam and Interfaith Relations

A hot topic invites many questions
Filled all the headlines in this nation
“The interfaith marriage legalizing”
“The Ministry and Islamic Rules”
The keywords,
Takes over all the attention.
Voices of dissatisfaction,
Cheers of complementation.
The war of minds
is about to begin.

This is;
The country with the biggest Muslim population.
The country with Islam as the first foundation.… Continue Reading

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