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Maryam (alayha salam) – An Inspiration

In my research for this article, I came across some lists of the top inspirational women
of today. Honestly, the top 10 didn’t surprise me. It was none other than the most
followed celebrities who are considered inspiring for their so-called journey and ‘great’
philanthropic works in society. I guess that’s how low the standards of inspiration have
become, where the one who holds more money is considered the most inspirational.
Young girls of today want to be like them, dress like them, and live luxuriously like them.
no matter the cost and the level to which one has to stoop to reach that superficial

Goals are set, and plans are made to become ‘The Boss Lady’ or ‘The GOAT’ (Greatest
of All Time) based on the principles set by the seemingly accomplished women who
may appear to have it all—yet they don’t. It’s because the standards these women have
set are nothing but a mirror image of the western standards of men. Thus, the standards
for women are lost as they strive to achieve what men can do rather than what women
can truly accomplish.

Well, let me clear the air of this toxic inspiration and refresh you with an OG, an original
inspiration for women that Allah ﷻ establishes—a woman whom He chose over all ‘the
women of the world’.

“And remember when the angels said, “O Mary! Surely Allah has selected you, purified
you, and chosen you over all women of the world.” [Qur’an 3:42]

Amongst the honorable mention of Prophets and Messengers in the Qur’an, Allah ﷻ
also acknowledges this “Wonderful Woman,” who, despite being a mother of a prophet,
had an identity of her own. She upheld the standards set by Allah ﷻ, which made her a
standard in herself, not requiring any male validation as the Creator of the universe
empowered her position.

She was titled by Allahﷻ as the Siddiqah and Qanita.

“The Messiah, son of Mary, was no more than a messenger. Many messengers had
come and gone before him. His mother was a woman of truth (Siddiqah)…” [Qur’an

Siddiqah means truthful, and she was recognized for having complete trust in her Rabb,
who tested her by means of her society, which questioned her credibility despite
knowing her from a young age as inclined to the service of Allahﷻ. Ultimately, Allah ﷻ
honoured her with the highest rank as a Siddiqah (Ibn Kathir).

“There is also the example of Mary, the daughter of ’Imrân, who guarded her chastity,
so We breathed into her womb through Our angel Gabriel. She testified to the words of
her Lord and His Scriptures and was one of the sincerely devout (Qanitin).” [Qur’an

The word Qanit means devout and obedient. It was not just her prayer and dhikr that
earned her this position, but her complete obedience to her Lord and following His
commands with no questions asked. She sought help and support from no one but Him.
In Christian texts, Maryam (alayha salam) is noted to have had some kind of support
from a man named Joseph, suggesting she couldn’t manage on her own. But the reality
was that Maryam (alayha salam) had the greatest support—Allah ﷻ, who gave her a
status that no woman had achieved. Her spiritual perfection elevated her to a level
similar to that of the Prophets (Ma’ariful Qur’an).

Maryam (alayha salaam) was not only known for her chastity, but Allah ﷻ recognized
her honour, innocence, and conviction.

Our Prophet ﷺ stated, “Many men achieved perfection, but among women, only Maryam, the daughter of Imran, and Asiah, the wife of Firawn, achieved perfection.” [Stated in both Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim].

So, to all the young women, don’t lower your standards to those of a petty celebrity.
Allah ﷻ has made you a woman—a blessing, not an object that seeks validation from
another creation rather than the Creator. Work towards your goals, make efforts, and
seek help and reliance from Allah ﷻ, like Maryam (alayha salam) did. Be inspired by Maryam (alayha salam) and aspire to be like her, because you must seek the best to be the best.

Written by: Musmirah
Edited by: The Editorial Team
© The Islamic Reflections Blog

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