- Ihram: Special clothes of the pilgrims. the serum is 2 pieces of unsewn material for men simple clothes for women.
- Umrah: It’s a small Hajj.
- Arafat: Wide open space where prism score on 9th of Zilhaj. They stay there till sunset worshipping Allah.
- Wuqoof: Staying in Arafat is known as Wuqoof.
- Muzdalifa: Pilgrims go to muzdalifah at sunset of 9th of Zilhaj. They stay there for the night and collect pebbles for Mina.
- Mina: Pilgrims go to Mina on 10th Zilhaj. Here they throw 7 pebbles at each of the three pillars, carry out sacrifice and cut off part of their hair or nails as taqseer.
- Tawaf-al-Wadaa: It is the Last Tawaaf which marks the end of Hajj.
By: Mateeba Quazi
Team IR