What an eye opening story!
Wives are worth it!
There’s a bakery shop near to our house. Often, on my way back home in the evening, I buy some stuff for the morning breakfast. Today, as I was about to leave the bakery, I met our neighbor Mr. Irfan who himself was leaving the same shop. After the exchange of some traditional greetings, the conversation went like following.
I asked: “What have you bought?”
Irfan replied: “Nothing much Hanif, just some chicken patties and some sweets for my wife and children”.
Jokingly, I inquired, “Why so? Didn’t your wife cook meal for the day?”
Irfan said: “No, Hanif, it’s not like that. Actually today in office we felt a little hungry so my colleagues ordered some patties and sweets. Since, I had these edibles in the office so thought to buy some for my family too. It’s not fair that I eat whatever I like in office while my kids and wife remain bound to eat whatever is cooked at home.”
Confounded with great surprise, I stared at him because I never thought this way before.
I said: “What’s the big deal, Irfan? If you eat food of your own choice at the office, your wife and children would be having whatever they like to eat at home.”
Irfan replied: “Not at all, Hanif! My wife saves for me from everything there is. Even if someone from neighborhood shares something, my wife first saves some for me and then distributes it among my kids. It would be very selfish if I just enjoy good things with my friends and not with my family.”
Amazed upon hearing this I said: “Enjoying? This bakery stuff is what you think is enjoyment?”
He said: “Whatever Hanif! I dread the time when on the day of resurrection I’d be questioned about this. That I took someone’s daughter into marriage and had fun with friends while she ate whatever little was available.”
Completely stunned, I couldn’t move my eyes off him while he continued.
Irfan: “Look, when we get married to someone’s sister or a daughter, they are human beings as well. Just like us. They, too, have hunger needs. They have their desires as well. They, too, wish to taste lots of delicious foods, to try different kinds of lovely outfits. Also, they want to move and travel around. Keeping them caged like a bird, providing them meals twice a day and having a sense of smugness for doing all this is selfishness. And the way we treat the daughters of others comes is the way our own daughters and sisters will be treated because what goes around comes around.”
His last words shook me to a great degree. I never thought like this before. Concluding the conversation with Irfan,
I said, “Great! You have made me think from a different perspective.”
I turned back to the shop.
Irfan: “where are you going?”
I replied, “To buy some ice-cream…actually I had some ice-cream at office today.”
Irfan and Hanif took their respective paths. Irfan was glad to have a positive impact on Hanif. On the other hand, Hanif, now, knew how to keep his wife and kids happy and acknowledge all the efforts his wife does for his happiness.
Written by: Sr. Amatullah B.M.