Dear Wife,
I apologize for the moments I made you cry.
I apologize for the times when to you, I was the bad guy.
I apologize for answering your concerned questions with a lie.
But know, this letter is not an apology that is wry.
This is a letter of appreciation,
Of the words left unspoken,
For I never had the guts, even for a confrontation.
I fell in love each time we came through.
I fell in love the time when you held my hand and said “Allah is with you”.
I fell in love when you cooked for my mother,
After she scolded you on that hairdo.
I fell in love in a clinic when you rested your head on my shoulder,
While we waited in the queue.
I fell in love the day you let me fix the leaky faucet,
Though, you knew I was terrible at it.
I fell in love each time you woke me up with a sprinkle of water,
And said that you wanted to go to ‘Jannah’ with me in it.
I fell in love the time you bandaged my hand after I tried to fix the broken vase gifted to you by your mother.
I fell in love the night you recited Qur’an by my bedside when I fell sick because of the weather.
I fell in love with you every single day,
Because you were one that Allah had chosen for me,
And I thank Allah for the blessing of loving you.
Dear Husband,
I’m sorry for the times I said you were incompetent.
I’m sorry for misunderstanding each time you gave me a compliment.
I’m sorry for the evenings I yelled at you when you came home late.
I thank Allah for sending you to protect me,
Because I loved each time you consoled me
By wiping my tears quietly,
And when you told me to let go of what your mother had said for the sake of Allah Almighty.
I loved it, the day you washed all the dishes when I was angry at you, as an apology.
I loved it that no matter how tired you were, you always spoke to me politely.
I loved it when you held my hands for ‘Tasbeeh’ after we prayed together.
I loved it when every time you stood up for me in front of the other.
I loved it the time you said I look beautiful even with my big tummy when I was to become a mother.
I loved it when each time you cracked a joke to make me laugh a little harder.
I loved it when every time you kissed me before leaving for the prayer.
I loved it the day when I burnt the cake and you still said that I was a lovely baker.
I loved it the time when I was distressed and you wrote me a letter saying that I can be braver.
For you have cherished me with care.
I can only thank Allah for a husband like you,
For he has harbored love inside our hearts to share.
Written by: Areeba Khan
Edited by: The Editorial Team
© The Islamic Reflections Blog
This truly brought tears 😭 it’s beautiful, beautiful beautiful!!!!
Really glad you loved it!!! Jazakillahu khair!
May Allah Tala bless you my dear daughter a loving husband same as you , described in your amazing poem, barak Allau feeki habibti💖
A heart touching poem.. Masha Allah… Every single situation in a couple’s life being summarised in just a few verses.. Hats off to the poet… Allahumma baarik laha. .
Jazakillahu khair wa Barakallahu feeki!
Beautiful poem…really touched the 💓
Teaching the beautiful roles a husband and wife do for each other
Excellent work!!!👍👍
Jazakillahu khair!