Be mindful of who you choose sisters! You are not just choosing someone to share your room with, but your emotions and deen. At times, we get so caught up in the materialistic pleasures of this world that we end up trading our short life for a major loss.
Indeed the son of a rich man is not a rich boy. He might take you on dates in big cars but it’s not his car, it’s his father’s car. He borrowed it. His father can throw a big party for you two but later, what if you find out he is not ready to work independently or expects you to run the house.
That’s when you realize all that glitters is not gold.
Have you ever wondered why Prophet ﷺ has advised us to give priority to the Deen over wealth, lineage, and looks?
Indeed wealth and looks erode with time; what will be left is his God-fearing character which will protect you in this world and the Hereafter. Tomorrow if he stops finding you as beautiful as you used to be, his taqwa (God-consciousness) will stop him from being unjust to you. If he ends up being broke, his taqwa will stop him from dealing in interest to lead a lavish life. His taqwa will stop him from flirting with the opposite sex when you are not around and his gheerah will stop him sharing you with other males. He will not force you to take off your hijab and mingle with his friends. He will understand that his kids and his wife are his responsibility and he will have to answer Allah (سبحانه و تعالى) on how he treated them in this world.
My dear sisters, only Allah’s fear can stop him from turning into a beast from a human being. When you are choosing your spouse, remember you are not only choosing a life partner but also a father for your future kids.
Remember who you are and why you have been sent to this world. Our purpose is to worship Allah (swa) and we have to choose someone who has similar priorities. “And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me.” (Al Qur’an 51:56)
Reference Nerdy Muslim
Written By: Bint Rafiq
Edited By: The Editorial Team
Team IR