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The camel ride (ages 5-7)

“Then do they not look at the camels- how they are created?” [Qur’an: 88-17]

Join us, dear kids, on a journey in the hot, sandy desert, with two boys- Majid and Fares- to discover the secrets of their beloved animal: the camel!

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0 thoughts on “The camel ride (ages 5-7)

  1. I like the story and I am impressed how Quranic verse is added and I like the poetry aslo. But one thing I think is missing is to tell that the camels can survive how many days without water.

  2. I like the story and I am impressed how Quranic verse is added and I like the poetry aslo. But one thing I think is missing is to tell that the camels can survive how many days without water.

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