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Ramadan Reminders 2022, Day 10


The Messenger of Allah ﷺ has shown that wiping over socks while making wudoo’ is permissible, but only under 4 conditions. (1) They must have been put on when one was in a state of tahaarah (purity). (2) The socks or the khufoof (leather slippers which cover the ankle) should be taahir (pure). (3) One must be purifying oneself from a minor impurity (doing wudoo’ after passing wind, urine or stool), not when one is in a state of major impurity where ghusl is required. (4) The wiping is done within the time specified by the shari’ah, which is one day and one night in the case of a non-traveller, and three days and three nights in the case of a traveller.

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May Allah ﷻ grant us the wisdom to ponder over the Qur’an and hadeeth, so we can grasp and understand the deen better.

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