بسم الله الرجمن الرحيم
و افضل الصلاة و أتم التسليم
على سيدنا محمد و على اله و صحبه اجمعين
The 5 pillars of Islam- the testimony of faith
The five pillars of Islam are the most important parts of our faith as Muslims. Imagine a table standing without its legs, impossible isn’t it? In the same way Islam cannot be right in a Muslim’s life without these five pillars. There are five pillars holding our faith and keeping it safe in our hearts so that it does not fall. The pillars are:
1. Shahada-the declaration of faith
2. Salah-prayer
3. Zakah-charity
4. Sawm-Ramadan-fasting in Ramadan
5. Hajj-pilgrimage to Makkah
The first and foremost important pillar is the Shahada-to testify that there is no god except Allah ﷻ, and that Muhammed ﷺ is the messenger of Allah.
Here we bring to you a compilation of videos about the Shahada.
Join us to understand it and sing along with this beautiful nasheed about the Shahada.
• The first video is called “Saying the Shahada! Learning with ZAKY”
Zaky teaches us what the Shahada is and what is and what the reward for saying it sincerely and honestly is. Click on the title to find out more.
• The second video is called “Shahada- one of the five pillars of Islam”. It is an explanation of the first pillar of Islam. Click on the title to hear it (the video contains 10 seconds intro music).
• The third video is from Alins tube and is titled “Episode 9 – Shahadah” wherein a little girl explains the Shahada to us. You can watch it by clicking here.
• And lastly a beautiful nasheed called “LA ILAHE ILLALLAH KIDS ZIKR”.
Dear kids, did you know that these words can earn you the Prophet’s ﷺ intercession on the Day of Judgment before Allah ﷻ?
It is narrated that when Abu Talib, the beloved uncle of the Prophet ﷺ, was on his death bed, the Prophet ﷺ came to him and said, “O uncle! Say: none has the right to be worshiped except Allah, a sentence with which I will defend you before Allah.”
(Sahih Bukhari)
[…] learn about the previous pillars of Islam ( The Shahada, Salah, Zakah, Fasting), click on each title.May Allah ﷻbless you all and grant you the pleasure […]
بارك الله فيك
And you too, may Allah swt reward you with goodness.