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To the Creator of my soulmate

A man from among the sea of men,
He, whose shyness is evident on his face;
And eyes droop low on an unlawful gaze,
Hands dripping hasanah without any trace.

He is a man who never lags behind,
In the race towards highest levels of Jannah;
Words of Allah are close to his heart,
Keeping a firm hold on Qur’an and Sunnah.

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The man who truly knows the deen,
Strives to learn, practice, and preach;
And mentors kindly his better half,
When I err, or, a new fact I try to reach.

 Together, we let the Qur’an be established,
In our memories, and its wisdom in our hearts;
And pass on this practice to the blessings,
That Allah bestows in the form of our offspring.

The man who knows to stand by the truth,
And not take partial sides of falsehood;
Who stands in front as my Imaam,
During Tahajjud, me behind my Qawwaam.  

The man who knows money is not a replacement,
Neither is materialism to the emotional needs;
Let his steadfastness on the Siraat be my happiness,
Let him know to communicate his joys and fears.

 The man who has two qualities above all,
His religion and good character to please;
The best of men being best to his wife;
Let me be his hoorul ‘ayn in our afterlives.  

Oh Allah! I send you this duaa’,
A plea from the depth of my heart;
When I bow to the lowest of grounds,
And You hear from the highest above the heavens.

Like the stories of love and affection,
Of Muhammad ﷺ and Khadijah, Suhayla and Farooq;
Zainab and Abu El’aas and many more,
Allow me to live such a story blessed and authored by You.

Oh Allah! I am sinful and no perfectionist,
Make me khair for him, and not a trial;
Oh Allah! Grant me the one from among the best,
Let me not be deprived, count me among the blessed.

Written by: Saadia
Edited by: The Editorial Team
© The Islamic Reflections Blog

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0 thoughts on “To the Creator of my soulmate

  1. Ma Sha Allah. Wonderful piece

  2. […] via To the Creator of My Soulmate — Islamic Reflections […]

  3. Beautiful, beautiful piece!!! BarakAllahu feeki teammate!!

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