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Have You Spoken?

When your heart is heavy
And eyes are teary,
To relieve this agony,
Have you spoken
To the One Who created?

“How can I speak?” you ask.
Oh, it’s quite a simple task!
It’s the Salah, Allaah’s ﷻ command.
So, have you spoken
To the One Who created?

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As you make Wudu perfectly
And perfectly pray your Salah with humility,
Allaah’s ﷻ forgiveness you gain, undoubtedly.
So, have you spoken
To the One Who created?

As you fall down in prostration,
Tears running down with full emotions,
Salah is the delight of the eyes –
Hits this realisation.
So, have you spoken
To the One Who created?

In du’a as you raise your hands
Telling Him about situations you barely understand,
Your heart feels an ease so grand!
So, have you spoken
To the One Who created?

When the Prophet ﷺ was at his lowest
After losing his uncle and wife dearest,
Allaah ﷻ obligated upon him the Salah –
In the Ascension so miraculous!
So, have you spoken
To the One Who created?

Salah is an obligation,
A source of purification,
From every evil, it’s a prevention.
So, have you spoken
To the One Who created?

Written by: Zubia Nausheen
Edited By: The Editorial Team
© The Islamic Reflections Blog

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