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“Such lovely weather!
Lemme take a good picture.”
“Hey, can you stop your banter?
Huh, you don’t even bother!”
“I’ll take a picture of your glower
And post it on Gram and Twitter!
What a sensational meme face!
Dear sisso, I look forward to your fame!”
“Hahaha!” the sisters chuckled,
Keeping the atmosphere amicable.
“I saw the meme on Ryan’s … Continue Reading

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Keys to a Blessed Land

After centuries of Roman oppression,
The air of Al-Aqsa finally hinted at end of occupation!
The smell of freedom could be felt,
The flag of Islam was soon to be held.
Allahu Akbar! The promise of Ash-Sham got fulfilled.
Under the Caliphate of Umar (RA), Masjid Al-Aqsa will now rebuild.

The bishops conditioned that before taking charge of the city,… Continue Reading